Saturday, July 25, 2009

How Facebook Saved My Life

Now, I know what you're thinking: Facebook is dumb.

Well, maybe you're not thinking that at all.

But there was a time when I was in a serious minority when it came to ye olde social networking site. Yes, back in the day, when I was a nontraditional student at Agnes Scott, a couple of my little traditional buddies talked me into starting an account. At first, it was sheer silliness: there weren't any high school networks. It was all current college students, or their recent alumni. I joked back and forth with my friends-- across the library from each other-- and not much else. Eventually, non-college networks were allowed in and suddenly, old high school and YWAM friends were popping up everywhere. It was awesome.

Skip ahead to April 27.

I updated my status with a complaint about a rooster at around 5 in the morning, the morning of the day I was to be induced...

And the next thing you see, after lots of "we're so excited" posts, is "oh my gosh, what is happening?" posts...

I'm only just seeing some of these tonight...

And then the prayers, the love, the heartfelt messages from old friends, acquaintances, people who are right now in our world... all reaching out to us, enfolding us, wrapping us up...

People have asked us, "How are you doing this? How are you surviving this?"

A couple of answers: Jesus Christ. His spirit. His word. Our relationships with each other and with Him. Our family. The Body of Christ. The prayers of the saints. Writing. Being outside. Love.

And for me-- and it's just crazy and funny to think of it-- the community that exists on Facebook has been a lifeline. So many days, while I was home recovering and unable to go anywhere, I would get onto Facebook and friends from all over the world-- people in other time zones who were struggling with insomnia, or people who were at work and bored out of their minds, or people who were home for one reason or another-- would be there, waiting to chat, exchange stories, encouragement, entertainment.... A lifeline, keeping my head above water.

Leigh. Susan. The Housewives of New York. Laurel. Staci. Elizabeth. The Hudgins twins :). Melissa. Mary W. Delynn. Caroline. Kris and Susan, new sisters of mine in this sad sorority. I've left too many names out. I should just scratch this list because it's not enough. There have been so, so many... like in shifts...

And then there are the conversations... Neo. Leah. Leigh. Police department scanner. Oh yes: good times.

Facebook has saved my life so many times this season. This medium has been a platform for so many things-- first, how in the world would the word of Ben's death have gotten out so quickly without Facebook? Not just across town, but across the world! My friend Lisa, living in Switzerland, was able to find out only three hours after he died.... I so solidly believe in the power of prayer, and we are walking proof: so many believers, crying out to the Lord on our behalf, for His grace, mercy, peace....

There's more, but for now, I just love these captured images....

1 comment:

Mary Hudgins Balicki said...

I miss you, Sam!
Late coffee this evening?
I need a little dose of you but if not, your writing will totally do.